Audi and tesla YouTube accounts

Audi and tesla YouTube accounts

Author: Jaskirat Singh

It’s clear that both of the companies are doing great as the YouTube account of Audi have 219,893 subscribers and tesla have more as they have 490,287 subscribers. After seeing the latest videos of the companies, Audi’s latest video have 5,508,148 views in one week and have 12,086 like and 7,692 dislikes whereas tesla’s video have 1,704,536 views in 3 months and this video has 29,113 likes and only 500 dislikes.

Kind of videos and stuff on YouTube account

In this Audi has different videos contents as compared to tesla as both are manufacturing different products. Audi has cars which are non-electronic whereas tesla is fully electronic so their videos contains different stuff. The homepage video of Audi describes the addiction of Audi’s car and it promote model RS5 whereas in homepage of tesla it shows the video of their latest model roadster as it shows the power of the electronic as it the world’s quickest car and setting the world record of acceleration.


Some of the videos on YouTube Audi has 1 million views and some are haves 20-30 thousand. There concept to advertise the cars are different as their main point is power and to test the power is tracks and one of the video they were having like to find a track on moon and in our neighbor solar system and on other side tesla uses the models and actors to promote the cars as they are using Carli Davis, Sussan Pleunik, Fangio and many more and they are having 900,000 views to 30 thousand views on various videos.

This is the YouTube page of Audi.

This is tesla’s page having maximum views.


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