comparison of Facebook pages of Audi and tesla companies.

comparison of Facebook pages of Audi and tesla companies.

Author’s name- Jaskirat Singh

After analyzing the Facebook page of Audi, it has 257,168 likes and 255,279 people are following this. Whereas talking about tesla it has 2,629,825 likes and nearly about same people are following this page. Both of the pages are verified and are mostly active. But if we compare these Audi is more active as posts stuff with the approx. time span of 2 days whereas tesla is bit slow as it posts things with the gape of 15-20 days. Basic theme of Audi’s page is power and sports as most of the posts are related to sports cars is based upon winters and shows the snow and the power of the cars in snow and drivability. Coming to tesla motors it has the page which cover mostly all the countries where tesla is being sold as it doesn’t have a particular page for Canada 

50/50 rule

After studying the Facebook page of Audi, they don’t apply the 50/50 rule as they haven’t talk about the business. They only discuses about the industry as the about the models and the track. Whereas coming to tesla they follow the 50/50 rule as they talk about the company and industry as 50% of the posts were covered by the company’s post and remaining are of industry.

Content posted by the companies

Both the companies cover different content as in Audi’s Facebook page it covers the infographics and games as talk about the favorite football club and the snow tracks and playground for Audi’s sport cars. Whereas in tesla it covers only posts regarding their own company as they talk about the latest technology and latest cars of tesla. What they going to do next as they have one post regarding the largest battery factory in the world.

Most popular posts of both pages

The popular post which I found in Audi’s Facebook page is the post regarding ice skating as cars of Audi are drifting around the track on snow and the caption is to welcome the winters and this post was seen by 46 thousand people and 544 people liked this post and there were 281 shares as people found this post interesting. Coming to tesla the most liked and viewed post which I found is the post regarding the solar panels as the one the island of America is now fully running on the solar energy due to tesla as it has provided the solar panels the it got 3.1 million views on Facebook and 48 thousand likes and near bout 65 thousand shares.

this is the post of audi’s Facebook page which is more successful.

This is the screenshot of the tesla Facebook page with max likes and views.


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